Thursday, December 12, 2013

Favorite Presentations

By: Marlon & Irving
The Pamikkale are located in Turkey they are basically pools made out of sedimentary rock. These natural formations have the shape of a basin which is why it permits people to use them as pools. They are beautiful as well, the water looks so natural. The water is has a hot temperature, according to Marlon & Irving these waters were once used for curative purposes. Many people go visit this place every year, they take baths in these pools and in the ruins of an ancient town. 

Devils Town
By: Rabail & David & Bryan
The devils town is located in teh south of serbia, it is basically just piles of tall rocks that seem to be paired up. The legend behind the Devils Town is actually very interesting. According to my peers the legend says that there was a very small town in which there lived many people. The devil came and saw that they were doing good, so he cast a spell on them making them fall in love with their own family members which is a big sin, after this there came a fairy that was very mad because this was happening so she cast a spell when the couple were getting married and they were converted in to stone for eternity, and that is why they are paired up. The devils town pyramids can not be climbed  unlike the devils tower they can only seen, they are a very protected place. The scientific part to all of this is that these rock pyramids were actually created by erosion air and water. Over all their project was very good and informative. 

Hessdalen light
By: Trinity & Loren
The Hessdalen Ligths are located in Norway, nobody knows exaclty what they are made out of or where they come from. There many guesses about their appearance but no body is one-hundred percent sure why these lights appear in this particular place. Many people think that the reason behind these ligths are UFO'S, but others think that the answer to this mystrey is science. This souds like something I would like to see in person some day, very interesting presentation.  

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